Passion, focus, determination—and the right to embrace them. Lavender is a woman who follows her heart wherever it leads.
When I first met my husband years ago, our story began in a way that was anything but traditional. Many warned me against it, saying it would never work, urging me to close the door before it even opened. But I chose to trust my heart, and now, over 20 years later, I’m so grateful I did.
When I think about what I want to create and convey through my art, I aim to share little glimpses of myself—moments that I am either most proud of or wish I could have done differently. Each piece of glass represents a fragment of my life.
Glass is the perfect medium for this storytelling. It is sharp, it cuts, and yet it shines like nothing else.
Lavender, 2024
Glass Mosaic
36 x 36 in.